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Pendulum - Propane Nightmares Bass

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Propane Nightmares Bass
Version #1

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Sweet song. pritty easy and fun to play. Some of the notes are played 
for longer. So play as many notes when each note is being plyed, cant 
fit in the space provided. any bumb notes comment please :D A.J

Normal Tuning

intro (0.22)
|----------55555555-66666666-11111111-55555555| x2

|66666666-11111111-55555555----------|66666666-11111111-5555555555555555| x2

Main Riff
|--------------------------1-3-1----------------111111111-33333333| x2

|-----------------------|    |--------------------|
|-----------------------|    |--------------------|
|-----------------------| x3 |-111111111-33333333-| Both Riffs x2
|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-1-1-1-|    |--------------------|

|----------66666666----------33333333-| x3


Main Riff
|--------------------------1-3-1----------------111111111-33333333| x2

|-----------------------|    |--------------------|
|-----------------------|    |--------------------|
|-----------------------| x3 |-111111111-33333333-| Both Riffs x2
|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-1-1-1-|    |--------------------|

|----------66666666----------33333333-| x3

Brake : Bridge

interlude (3.40)
|66666666-11111111-55555555----------|66666666-11111111-5555555555555555| x2

outro riff
|-------------------33333333-11111111-| x7


|--------------------------1-3-1---------------------------1-3-1----| x2

And thats it. Have fun playing! anything that is wrong plaese comment
A.J ;)
Submit corrections

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