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Stephen Stills - Love The One You're With Tabs

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Love The One You're With Tabs
Version #1
Stephen Stills

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>Love the One You're With - Stills
>These are the basic chords... a friend showed me this; it sounds right:
>verse (repeat a few times):
>            D
>   G  D (give it a Dsus4 after "...love the one you're with")
>and I think that's about it... strumming it correctly is another story! :)
>Anyone have the words to this one? I could arrange the chords (or you could)
>Hopefully these chords are right... feels wierd typing it in without a guitar
>to check it on. :)
>Computervision Corporation, mailstop 4-10
>201 Burlington Road
>Bedford, Massachusetts 01730  (U.S.A.)
>#include "stddisclaimer.h"
>$ cat flames > /dev/null 2>&1

|  Steve Portigal, Dep't of CIS, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1   |
|       He's big, he's purple, and he's a huckstering spokesdinosaur!        |

Tue Jun  1 10:56:46 EDT 1993
Lines: 86

Here are the words (from memory) and chords.
(Note that I'm not certain of the placement of the two choruses.)

>These are the basic chords... a friend showed me this; it sounds right:
>verse (repeat a few times):

    G(7)  D(5)    G/D     D
      ^     ^     ^
      |     |     |-> I've always played this as a G/D chord [ - - 0 4 3 3]
      |     |
      ---------> Note: non-standard nomenclature that is used below

                   Love the One You're With - Stills

   Intro:  G(7) D(5) G/D D (repeat)

   D           G(7)D(5)     G/D   D
   When you're down, and confused,
                   G(7)  D(5)                G/D D
   and you don't remember who you're talking to,
         G(7)   D(5)     G/D D
   concentration, slips away,
                G(7)D(5)         G/D D
   because your baby, is so far away.

   Chorus 1:

                  Bm  A              G      CGCG (see note 1)
   Well there's a rose in the fisted glove,
           Bm        A          G    CGCG
   And the eagle flies with the dove,
              Bm     A                  G
   and if you can't be with the one you love, honey,
   G                   D
   love the one you're with,
   G                   D
   love the one you're with.

   Verse 2:
   Don't be angry, don't be sad,
   and don't sit crying, over good times you've had,
   There's a girl, right next to you
   and she's just waiting, for something to do.

   Chorus 1:
   Chorus 2: (see note 2)

   G  F#   G    F#   G    F#   A    A
   Do doot doot doot doot doot doot doot

   G  F#   G    F#   G    F#   A    A
   Do doot doot doot doot doot doot doot

   A  A  A     A  A  A
   Do do doot, Do do doot

   Chorus 1: (No words, organ lead part)

   Verse 3:
   Turn your heart-ache, right into joy,
   she's a girl, and you're a boy,
   get it together, make it nice,
   you ain't gonna need, any more advice.

   Chorus 1:
   Chorus 2: (see note 2)

   G  F#   G    F#   G    F#   A    A
   Do doot doot doot doot doot doot doot

   G  F#   G    F#   G    F#   A    A
   Do doot doot doot doot doot doot doot

   A  A  A     A  A  A
   Do do doot, Do do doot

Note 1: Play the G chord barred (3 5 5 4 3 3), then play the C chord
        (- 3 5 5 5 -) for the transition CGC you stum the chords once each
Note 2: The chords are strummed 1 time per "doot" (or "do")

	id AA04585; Wed, 26 May 93 12:13:40 -0400
	(16.6/16.2) id AA12287; Wed, 26 May 93 12:17:43 -0400
	id AA18021; Wed, 26 May 93 12:08:07 edt
Status: OR

>Nevada only has "southern cross", perhaps someone could post the chords
>(unless TAB is necessary) to this song...

Hi again...

The basic chord progression is:

	               F   C                   Dm   C
	If you're down          and confused...

	          Am   G               F
	There's a rose    in a fisted glove...

	                     C    F   C
	Love the one you're with

	                     Dm    C
	Love the one you're with

	Bb                C

The acoustic guitar is actually played in open C tuning, and the lower
strings form sort of a drone throughout.  Low to high, the tuning is

	 C   G   C   G   C   E
	-4  -2  -2   0  +1   0		(deviation from standard)

and the basic riff is then

	005555  004003  002001  000000

Don't ask me how to play the Am-G-F part or the Bb-C in that tuning, though...


PS: Incidentally, the Moody Blues' "Question" is also in open C, and uses
the *exact* same pattern under the "it's not the way that you say it" part.
Try it!  The verses go

	          Ebdim Dm      C
	Why do we never get an answer

where Ebdim = 000232	(that's right, the same fingering as D in standard)
      Dm    = 002001
      C     = 000000
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↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only