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Portal - Still Alive Tabs

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Still Alive Tabs
Version #3

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                   "PORTAL"'S CLOSING CREDITS SONG
                           "STILL ALIVE"

               Original song by: Jonathan Coulton

                  Fingerstyle Arrangement by:
                        Gonзalo Martins

                 Video Version can be found at:

Note: I found this song a lot easier to play if you tune the 
      third string (G) a half-step down, (making it a F#)
      instead of using the standard tuning.
      That's how I am presenting this tab to you.

Tuning: 1-> e    4-> D
        2-> B    5-> A
        3-> F#   6-> E

               Verse 1

E ||-----------3--2--0--0--|--2-----------------------|
B ||-----------------------|--------------------------|
D ||-----------------------|-----0-----0-----0-----0--|
A ||-----------------------|--0-----------2-----------|
E ||-----------------------|--------------------------|




              Verse 2




                                                       Chorus 1





                                         Verse 3





                                          Verse 4





Chorus 2





              Verse 5





              Verse 6




                                                       Chorus 3










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↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only