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Truckstop Honeymoon - Magnolia Tree Chords

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Magnolia Tree Chords
Version #2
Truckstop Honeymoon

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It's really hard to find this tab and it's an easy song.  ENJOY!  

Magnolia Tree 
Truckstop Honeymoon

Tempo: Waltz (1,2,3-2,2,3)


C                     F            C
Cuz I love you so, you're so good to me 
C                G            Am  
I'm gonna plant a magnolia tree
C                   F                  C
And it will grow tall and we will grow old 
C                   G              Am 
And I'm gonna dig us a deep wide hole
F      C
Magnolia Tree

C                         F                 C
I will go first and you will join me 

C                                        G           Am
There in the shade of that Magnolia tree

C                           F          C
You in a dress and me in a suit 
C                            G                  Am
We'll lie together in that tangled root
F              C
Magnolia tree

C                                    F                     C 
Our flesh will rot but our bones will not scatter 
C                                 G            Am
Those tangle roots will bind us together
C                                     F                   C
In life we are married by preacher and church
C                                                 G             Am  
In death we'll be married by that rich black dirt 
F            C
Magnolia tree
C                                  F                 C
When we are gone our children will come 
C                                       G            Am
In the pouring rain and the burning sun
C                                     G         Am
They will find comfort in our memory
C                                   F           C
In the shade and shelter of that tree
F              C
Magnolia tree
C                                  F         C
I love you so you're so good to me 
C                         G             Am
I'm gonna plant a magnolia tree
C                            F              C 
It will grow tall and we will grow old
C                                G             Am
So I'm gonna dig us a deep wide hole
F             C
Magnolia tree
F             C
Magnolia tree
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