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Small Faces - Lazy Sunday Afternoon Chords

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Lazy Sunday Afternoon Chords
Version #1
Small Faces

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Title  : Lazy Sunday Afternoon


D Dsus4 D D9 G    E Esus4 Esus4 E A    D Dsus4 D D9 G    E
1   -   2 -  3-4- 1 -     2     - 3-4- 1  -    2 -  3-4- 1-...

During the Intro, the chords of the first line are played by up and
down strokes. All up strokes are in the beat, the down strokes in the offbeat,
so that you play 8ths.
The numbers and hyphens should display the time measures. 1,2,3,4 are the beat,
the hyphens in between are the offbeat.

For easier access to the song, I'll have to define some
Rhythm patterns:

A Asus4 A A9 E   G Gsus4 Gsus4 D
(the timing is exactly the same as in the INTRO)

Asus4 A   A9 A
  1   -2- 3  -4-

The Song:

Ah, wouldn't it be nice, to get on with me neighbours ?
Ba, they make it very clear, they got no room for ravin'.  [Bahhhh]

They stop me from ( ---?--- )
They ( ---?---)

A     D       A               G
Lazy Sunday Afternoon, I got no mind to worry.
 F         G                RP1
I close my eyes and drift away.

Here we all are, sitting in a rainbow. [Hmmmmmm..]
Hello Mrs. Johnes, ( ---?--- )

Didldydym, I sing you a song, with no words and no tune,
Didldydym, For singing ( ---?--- )

Lazy Sunday Afternoon, I got no mind to worry.
I close my eyes and drift away.
 [ organ & bells ]

A rupidupidoo, A ruupidoopydoidey,
A rupidupidam, A rupidoopydoodi.

There's noone to hear me, there's nothing to say.
And noone can stop from feeling this way.

Lazy Sunday Afternoon, I got no mind to worry.
I close my eyes and drift away.
 [ bells, sea noice, sea birds ]

Lazy Sunday Afternoon, I got no mind to worry.
  F         G                  C#m     F#m            D
I close my eyes and drift a-, close my eyes and drift away,
         E              RP2
close my eyes and drift away.
 [ fade out with RP2, songbirds and churchbells ]

string  A Asus4 A9 D Dsus4 D9 G Gsus4 E Esus4 C#m F#m
  e     0   0   0  2   3   0  3   3   0   0    4   2
  h     2   3   0  3   3   3  0   1   0   0    5   2
  g     2   2   2  2   2   2  0   0   1   2    6   2
  D     2   2   2  0   0   0  0   0   2   2    6   4
  A     0   0   0  0   0   0  2   2   2   2    4   4
  E     X   X   X  X   X   X  3   3   0   0    X   2
  |             |____________
  |                          |
  What string is played at which fret


  ======================  + irc: Joseph on #Joseph's
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