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Perpetual Groove - Teakwood Betz Tabs

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Teakwood Betz Tabs
Version #2
Perpetual Groove

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Teakwood Betz
Prepetual Groove

This tab isnt exact but he mainly just uses arpegios and triads for alot of the stuff.  
than that just improv off of the stuff i have tabbed out.  And if you have a better 
post it.

(With Delay)


(a little off)




----------------------------------------    -x-|
----------------------------------------    -x-|
----------------------------------------    -x-|
-----7-------7-------7------------------X4  -x-|
--7h9-9---7h9-9—--7h9-9--77777777-------    -x-|
-7-------7-------7----------------------    -x-|
fade in and out
…………………………Palm Muted………………………………………
                tremmle pick



…………………………Palm Muted………………………………………

IMPROV the rest
Submit corrections

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