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Jeremy Camp - Speaking Louder Than Before Chords

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Speaking Louder Than Before Chords
Version #1
Jeremy Camp

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Jeremy Camp                      [Chords By Rich]

[Standard Tuning]

Capo 4 Version 

Intro: G

Verse 1:
G                          Em                         
Here now this declaration, from out across the nations,
 C                           G
we need to wake up and understand.
G                              Em                               
Many hurting hearts are crying, but our voices seem to be dying,
  C                         G
Can you see a battle raging on?

We are the light to reach this world,
We are the salt preserving these souls,
C                                   G
Let's show'em the love that we've received now.

We are, We are a desperation,
We need to reach this generation,
C                D           G
We are speaking louder than before.
We are the hope that's been forgotten,
We are the love that will be broadened,
C               D            G
We are speaking louder than before.

Verse 2:
    G                           Em                            
Take every chance that you can, move together taking a stand,
 C                                 G
Never losing heart, we'll speak as one.
  G                                Em                               
We need to be the image of Christ, show love and serve at all times.
  C                               G
We can make a difference in this land.
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