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Jeremy Camp - Revive Me Chords

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Revive Me Chords
Version #2
Jeremy Camp

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This is the Correct version from the album.

verse 1: G           C              G             C
         consider my affliction and please deliver me
          G         D/F#m       Em7      C
          plead my cause and redeem me
          G                      C
          salvations not for the wicked
           G                        C
           for they don't seek your word
         G         D/F#m              Em7       C
         great are your tender mercies lord.

chorus:  G     D/F#    Em7              C
       revive me, according to your loving kindness
         G     D/F#     Em7              C
       revive me, that i may seek your word
         G     D/F#    Em7              C
       revive me, according to your loving kindness
          G    D/F#    C
       revive me, oh lord

verse 2: the same chords as verse one

          you give me understanding, according to your word
          great peace for those who seek your face
          i long for salvation, my lips shall praise your name
           i rejoice in the treasures of you keeps

  repeat chorus

 bridge: Am     D/F#m          G
        all my ways are before you
           Am        D/F#m         G
         i let your hand become my help
          Am          D/F#m        G
          a soul that longs and adores you
           G/B       C         D            
           hear my cry come before you oh lord

   repeat chorus
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