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Jeremy Camp - Empty Me Chords

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Empty Me Chords
Version #2
Jeremy Camp

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Standard Tuning
Capo on 2nd Fret
This song is simple - only 4 chords!

   E          Bsus4
Holy Fire, burn away

  C#m         A2
My desire, for anything

That is, not of you,

 Bsus4                C#m                A2                 
And is of me, I want more of you and less of me.

Repeat these same chords and progression throughout the whole song. This is how he
played it when I saw him live at Creation Festival East 2005. And this is how my
praise and worship band plays this song. It's such a great song with such powerful
lyrics...Enjoy and God bless. If you have any questions, please feel free to email

God bless
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