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Eliza Doolittle - Skinny Genes Chords

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Skinny Genes Chords
Version #1
Eliza Doolittle

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Hey...I think these chords are right, this is my first tab, and I've made it 
incredibly easy to play but still sounds good when you play along. Enjoy!

Capo 2

  D                      Em3
I really don't like your point of view
  Em3                 D
I know you'll never change
D                     Em3
Stinging me with your attitude
          Em3               D
I've the mind to walk away

I really don't like your arrogance
Or your policies
You're Ninety-nine percent an embarrassment
With just one quality

I don't mind it when you (Whistles)
Bring out the best in me when, when you (whistles)
Show your expertise
When the night always ends wth a fight
                 D                   A
I'm excited that you wind up next to me

I like it when you (whistles)
Can I have some please of that (whistles)
To satisfy my needs
Sometimes I fake that I hate you and make up
So you wind up next to me

Chords are the same for next verse and chorus

   D                         Em3
I dreamt that you were on a train
You were leaving, you were leaving

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