WWW.AZCHORDS.COM | We Came As Romans - Understanding What Weve Grown To Be Tabs | Version #1
OK i saw that no one has tabbed past the intro and i thought i would fix that
but i didn't know how effing difficult tabbing was but anyways here it is.
-0~000000-999-7-9--| play this intro twice through then carry on
Pause during the interlude
/-4444-4-4-4-~2222-~2222-~0000-0-0-0-~0022-~2222-| this is played 4 times
next play this verse twice
/-------------------------------------| x1
--000000000000000000-x---x---x--------| x2
then play this twice
--------------------| back to beginning
next play
/-444444444444-777777777777-| x2
speed it up
/-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| x2
hardest part but also the best part
its easier if you bar your first finger