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Tom Russell - El Llano Estecado Tabs

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El Llano Estecado Tabs
Version #1
Tom Russell

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El Llano Estacado 
Author Unknown - Adapted by Tom Russell – Frontera Music (ASCAP)
Intro :  F(xxx565) G(xxx787) A(xxx9109) B(xxx11,12,11) A G A G F

C                                        Em
“If I may trust your love,” she cried,“ and you would have me for a bride,
Am                                 Dm
Ride the wild plain and bring,  a flask of water from the Mustang Spring.
Bb                                     G           C
Fly as on the eagle's wing, ‘cross the Llano Estacado.”

He smiled and left without a word, grabbed up saddle, bit, and spur,
Cinched his horse and rode away, through prickley pear and old Maguey,
Vanished with the dying day, on the Llano Estacado.

All through the night he galloped on, daylight broke, he rode along,
Spurred his horse and drew no rein, across that dry, forsaken plain
Until the Mustang Spring he gained, on the Llano Estacado.

F          G           Am                        G       C
Crazy with love in Enamorado!  Alone out on the Llano Estacado.
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