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Smash Mouth - I M A Believer Tabs

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I M A Believer Tabs
Version #3
Smash Mouth

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                                     F#       C#       F#
                                            verse!chord stabs
   B     F#                   C#
   pre chorus         then end on
   F#  B    F#   B       F# C#  F#  E
   c horus               im in love..      then intro riff


         souds alright! shorld be ok!
just figure out the order and you will be fine
i used this for a studio recording where i live and it sounds damn near perfect!
add the intro riff in the right places! the last part of the wipeout bit
is a little fun improvise of those notes so dont hold me to it!lol
if your a smash mouth fan, i think they detune 1/2 step on all strings
so if your in a live situation and you have to detune, just detune and
add 1 to each note in my tab and it will sound the same!i tabbed it like this just to 
you having
to tune up again!
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