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Ryan Adams - Everybody Knows Chords

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Everybody Knows Chords
Version #1
Ryan Adams

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Ryan Adams
Easy Tiger

Standard tuning
capo 3


   D   A7Sus4   C  F   Am  G  D7  Cadd9

e  2     0      0  1   0   3  2    3
b  3     3      1  1   1   0  1    3
g  2     0      0  2   2   0  2    0
D  0     2      2  3   2   0  0    2
A  x     0      3  3   0   2  x    3
G  x     x      x  x   x   3  x    x

Lick 1:


Lick 2:


Intro:  D A7Sus4  Cadd9 (hammer on D-string 2nd fret)  (Lick 1) D  A7Sus4 Cadd9

Verse 1:
D          A7Sus4       Cadd9               (Lick 1)
You come for me in the worst of places
D          A7Sus4              Cadd9
You come for me, you come and try to take me home
D             A7Sus4                    Cadd9     (Lick 1)
I'm always in need, and it's hard to be reciprocating
D                A7Sus4         D   D7
The fabric of our life gets torn


    C            G              F         Am
And everything's changing, so how am I to know
        C              G                  F               Am
How I'm going to hold on to you when I'm spinning out of control
C          G                  F            Am
You and I together, but only one of us in love
         D7   (Lick 2)   Am  D7 (Lick 2)  Am
And everybody knows

Verse 2:

D         A7Sus4                Cadd9         (Lick 1)
He says a name, it echoes in my head like it was a canyon
D          A7Sus4              Cadd9
He says a name, he says it and I know what's up
D          A7Sus4                 Cadd9                           (Lick 1)
You come to me sometimes when I'm thinking like a cannonball shooting out a cannon
D            A7Sus4                D        D7
And I forget whatever it was I was thinking about


    C            G              F         Am
And everything's changing, so how am I to know
        C              G                  F               Am
How I'm going to hold on to you when I'm spinning out of control
C          G                  F            Am
You and I together, but only one of us in love
         D7   (Lick 2) Am  D7 (Lick 2) Am
And everybody knows
          D7 (Lick 2)  Am  D7 (Lick 2)  Am
Everybody knows
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