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Phair Liz - Mesmerizing Tabs

Artists:  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # 

Mesmerizing Tabs
Version #2
Phair Liz

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h = hammer on
p = pull off
/ = slide up
\ = slide down
~ = vibrato
b = bend (bend to note after the "b")
rb=release bend

Capo 3

  E         C   D               G               Asus    A?

  E        C   D               F               B/F#


Intro: play I twice
       play II
       play III twice

E                           A
You said things I wouldn^Ã’t say
   B            E
Straight to my face, boy
You tossed the egg up
     A          B         E
And I found my hands in place, boy
                     A      B         E
After backing up as far as you could get
                       A         B        E
Don^Ã’t you know nobody parts two rivers met

  E                                 G               G/F#
          Don^Ã’t you know I^Ã’m very   happy                       you

  E                                 G       G/F#    C       D
  know me well          I^Ã’m even    ha-     ppi-    er      I

like it (play II twice)

chords for this part(EADGBe):
A    XX765X
Asus X02230
A?   5422XX
D    X5700X
E    012200

     A           E
With all of the time
In the world to spend it
 A          E
Wild and unwise
I wanna be
 Asus A? (like the end of I)
Mesmerizing too

Play I 4 times with solo:

     A           E
With all of the time
In the world to spend it
 A          E
Wild and unwise
I wanna be
 Asus A?
Mesmerizing too

Play I 4 times with solo
Play A  E
     A  E
     A  E
     A  A
Play I twice, end on E.
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