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Neutral Milk Hotel - Glue Tabs

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Glue Tabs
Version #1
Neutral Milk Hotel

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Tuning: D A D F# A D


d |----------------------------------------------------------|
a |----------------------------------------------------------|
D |--12--10---------------------------------12--10-----------|
A |---------12--10--10-h12-10---5------------------12--10----|
D |-0-------------------------------------0------------------| X2


These two parts aren't needed, but are in the recording, you'll have to listen to the 
song to figure out the strumming pattern



 She    comes     to me whenever I am locked inside my room


Buried in the tune that I call love


She sings to me, the words I cannot hear but then, the melody's so clear


It makes me cry, her love is so beautiful          Her love is so real, it smells like glue


She's leaving me to find a place she never will call home
I stand shaking like a stone

And smile inside

She's calling me to come to her and curl inside her womb
I hear lies, acid too


But I won't die, the pain is so beautiful

The urge is so real, it smells like glue


                 And I will scream, she hears  me

                I will tell myself she loves   me


        And all the lies and fears Will stick to me like glue


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↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only