WWW.AZCHORDS.COM | Lisa Loeb - I Do Chords | Version #1
Transcription: Ray Montagne
Alblum: Firecracker
(Capo III)
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GaddD F#m susB2
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Em C
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D D7
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GaddD F#m susB2 Em C
GaddD F#m susB2 Em C
GaddD F#m susB2
When I^Ã’m done with thinking.
Em C
Then I^Ã’m done with you.
GaddD F#m susB2
And when I^Ã’m done with crying.
Em C
Then I^Ã’m done with you.
GaddD F#m susB2
When I feel so tired.
Em C
Well then I^Ã’m done with you
GaddD F#m susB2
Yeah everybody feels this way sometimes.
Em C
Everybody feels this way.
D GaddD
And I do.
D GaddD D GaddD
You can^Ã’t hear it, but I do.
D GaddD
You can^Ã’t hear it, but I do.
Am C Am C
GaddD F#m susB2
You^Ã’re trying to convince me
Em C
what I^Ã’ve done^Ã’s not right.
GaddD F#m susB2
And I get so frustrated.
Em C
I stay up every night.
GaddD F#m susB2
You ask me for an answer.
Em C
And I^Ã’m so tired and I^Ã’m up in the air. Up in the air.
GaddD F#m susB2
Everybody feels this way sometimes.
Em C
Everybody feels this way.
D GaddD
And I do.
D GaddD D GaddD
You can^Ã’t hear it, but I do.
D GaddD Am C
You can^Ã’t hear it, but I^Ã’m feeling this way
Am C
just because you say
I will be ignored.
F#m susB2
And I will be denied.
And I could be erased.
I could be brushed aside.
Am C
And I will get scared. I will get shoved down,
D D7
but I feel like I do because you push me around.
GaddD F#m susB2
I^Ã’m starting to ignore you.
Em C
Now I doubted you so long.
GaddD F#m susB2
I^Ã’m tired of overthinking.
Em C
I know you don^Ã’t belong.
GaddD F#m susB2
Now I^Ã’m asking questions.
Em C
No one pushes me around.
GaddD F#m susB2
Now Everybody feels this way sometimes.
Em C
Everybody feels this way.
D GaddD
And I do.
D GaddD D GaddD
You can^Ã’t hear it, but I do.
D Gadd
You don^Ã’t seem angry but I do.
GaddD Am C Am C
D GaddD D GaddD D GaddD D GaddD
I do. I do. I do.
Am C Am C
D Gadd
You don^Ã’t seem angry but I do.
D GaddD D GaddD
You can^Ã’t hear it, but I do.