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John Hiatt - The Tiki Bar Is Open Chords

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The Tiki Bar Is Open Chords
Version #2
John Hiatt

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CAPO 2  
Thank god the Tiki bar is open, 
Thank god the Tiki torch still shines,
               Em          Am7
Thank god the Tiki Bar is  open,
        Em           B7     Em
Come on in and open up your mind.
I was out on a leave of absence,
From any resemblance to reality,
               Em                      Am7  
I felt like a rocket launched to the great blue yonder,
          Em           B7  
From the boys down at Kennedy. 
I was driving by his majesty's court hotel,
Where the sign said praise his name,
       Em                         Am7
I was tired and alone i couldn't see too well,
       Em               B7        Em
But I don't think that he was to blame.
Thank god the Tiki bar is open, 
Thank god the Tiki torch still shines,
               Em          Am7
Thank god the Tiki Bar is  open,
        Em           B7     Em
Come on in and open up your mind. 

There's a full moon over Daytona beach,
There's a full moon in my mind,
        Em              Am7
And my suntan dream is still out of reach,
         Em              B7        Em 
And the strip malls are robbing me blind. 
Well his name was Mr. Dale Earnhardt,
And he drove the black number three,
         Em               Am7 
Now the king is gone but not be forgotten,
         Em           B7   Em  
Nor his like will we ever see.  
Thank god the Tiki bar is open, 
Thank god the Tiki torch still shines,
               Em          Am7
Thank god the Tiki Bar is  open,
        Em           B7     Em
Come on in and open up your mind. 
I know a drink ain't the solution,
I ain't had one in seventeen years,
            Em            Am7 
But if that tiki bar was closed tonight,
        Em       B7      Em 
Well I might just dissapear.  
Thank god the Tiki bar is open, 
Thank god the Tiki torch still shines,
               Em          Am7
Thank god the Tiki Bar is  open,
        Em           B7     Em
Come on in and open up your mind.  
Thank god the Tiki bar is open, 
Thank god the Tiki torch still shines,
               Em          Am7
Thank god the Tiki Bar is  open,
        Em           B7     Em
Come on in and open up your mind.            
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