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Jeremy Camp - It Is Well Chords

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It Is Well Chords
Version #1
Jeremy Camp

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I could not find this chord chart any place that had the chords even close to the right spot.  

.        D            A7
 When peace, like a river 
.  G     A        D
 attendeth my way 
.     Bm                         
 When sorrows like 
.Em              A 
 sea billows roll 
.    D         G
 Whatever my lot
.         Em           A
 Thou has taught me to say 
.      D/F#        G         A       D
 It is well, it is well,     with my soul 
.      D             Bm7
 It is well,   It is well 
.        F#m7             D
 with my soul,    with my soul
.      G             Em  
 It is well,   it is well,    
. A       D (Gm) 4th time only
  with my soul 
.   D           A7
 My sin oh, the bliss 
.        G    A         D
 of this glo--rious thought 
.   Bm          Em            A    D/A    A
 My sin, not in part but the whole 
.    D             G
 Was nailed to the cross 
.       Em         A
 and I  bear it no more 
.           D/F#
 Praise the Lord
.           G       A    D
 praise the Lord,   O my soul 
;repeat chorus
.              G
 We sing holy, holy, holy
.              D            E7
 We sing holy, holy, holy
.            G
 And we sing holy is your name
.   A
 Lord most high
.  D          Em
 Lord, please haste the day 
.        G     A        D2
 when my faith shall be sight 
.    Bm    
 The clouds be 
.       Em          
 rolled back 
.     A    D/A    A   A7
 as a scroll 
.    D           G
 The trump shall resound
.        E          A
 and the Lord shall descend 
.     D/F#         G      A       D
 Even so,    it is well   with my soul 
;repeat chorus x2
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