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James Taylor - Daddy's Baby Ukulele

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Daddy's Baby Ukulele
Version #1
James Taylor

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Daddy's Baby
James Taylor (c) 1973 Country Road Music

Amaj7   E7sus4 Amaj7          E7sus4 Amaj7
Daddy's baby,  what's got you think- ing
F#m7           C#m7       D/G Csus2
What's got you sinking so low?
         C#m7               F#7sus4 F#7
Is there something I should know,
Bm7              E9
something new to you?
Amaj7   E7sus4 Amaj7       E7sus4 Amaj7
Daddy's baby,  fussing and fret-  ting,
F#m7       C#m7       D/G Csus2
keeping on getting it wrong.
        C#m7         F#7sus4 F#7
She can only last so long
      Bm7         E9
She's going for a song,

   Amaj7      Em7  A7 Dmaj7 C#m7
so sing her a lull-a- by-   bye
Bm7        F#7sus4 F#7 Bm7  E9
Baby don't like    to  cry
   Amaj7      Em7  A7 Dmaj7 C#m7
So sing her a lullaby-bye
Bm7         F#7sus4 F#7
Swaddle and swing   her
Bm7        E9    Amaj7
Sing her a lulla-by

Gmaj7           D/E      E/A
  She makes her feelings known to me
Gmaj7      D/E      E/A
 Her every side is shown to me
    F#m7         C#m7
And in our time alone
   Bm7      Gmaj7  G#m7-5 C#7       F#maj7
my love has surely grown     of its own
F#m7       B7sus4   E    B/E
solid as a stepping stone
   Em9      A7     Dmaj7    C#m7      F#7sus4   F#7
as silently as the dawn was breaking, soft and clear
       Bm7        E9         F#7sus4   F#7
and my tears were dry and my fears had flown
     Bm7       E9      F#
so I called my love my home.
Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 F#7sus4 F#7, Bm7 E9 Amaj7.

Csus2:  x3x033
E9:     030102
E/A:    x0x454
G#m7-5: xx4434
F#maj7: xx4321
Em9:    020002
B7sus4: x24252
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