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Garcia Jerry - Deep Elm Blues Tabs

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Deep Elm Blues Tabs
Version #1
Garcia Jerry

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Here's "Deep Elem Blues" as done by Jerry Garcia and his (then new, now ex)
wife, Sara, on a 1963 bootleg. They do it bluegrass style. Very nice! 

"Deep Elem" is Elm Street, the old red-light district in (I think?) Dallas.

Once I knew a preacher,
Preached the Bible through and through,
He went down to Deep Elem,
Now his preachin' days are through.


Oh sweet mama
Your daddy's got them Deep Elem blues.
Oh sweet mama
Your daddy's got them Deep Elem blues.

Once I had a girlfriend.
She meant the world to me.
She went down to Deep Elem,
Now she ain't what she used to be.


When you go down to Deep Elem,
Put your money in your socks.
'Cause them women in Deep Elem
Will sure put you on the rocks.


If you go down to Deep Elem
To have a little fun,
Have your ten dollars ready
When the policeman comes.



-Bo Parker

"I poked at it with a stick."
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