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We Are The In Crowd - The Best Thing That Never Happened Tabs

Artists:  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # 

The Best Thing That Never Happened Tabs
Version #1
We Are The In Crowd

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Since WATIC just released a music video for this, I figured I would tab out the song for
fans to learn. It's really catchy and very easy to get the hang of. Please keep in mind
that this is the rhythm guitar tab and not the lead. This way everyone can learn and if 
you want to learn the leads later, you can.

Band: We Are The In Crowd
Tuning: Drop D

Intro (0.01-0.12):


Verse (Don't play until 0.24-0.36):

Chorus (0.37-1:00):



Play Intro Again (1:01-1:04):

Verse 2 (Don't play until 1:15-1:28)
|-88-800-055-500-088-800-055-500-088-800-055-500-088-800-4 SECOND PAUSE--|
|-88-800-055-500-088-800-055-500-088-800-055-500-088-800-4 SECOND PAUSE--|
|-88-800-055-500-088-800-055-500-088-800-055-500-088-800-4 SECOND PAUSE--|

Chorus (1:29-1:51)



Play Intro Again 6 Times (1:53-2:09)



Chorus (Starts on the 5th fret at 2:13-2:33)




Intro One Last Time Which Starts A Little Differently (2:34-2:29):


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↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only