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Valdy - Rock N Roll Song Tabs

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Rock N Roll Song Tabs
Version #1

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h - hammer on 
      p - pull off 
      b - bend string up
      r - release bend
      / - slide up
      \ - slide down
      v - vibrato 
      t - right hand tap
      x - play 'note' with heavy damping

Tuning: dropped-D tuning . The original version opens with some natural
harmonics on the 7th fret:

D:-----!7!--x--x--!7!--x--x--!7!--|  etc.

Chords used:
     D    C    G6   Em7   A7  A7sus4  A7sus2 F#m7  F  E  Eb

Fill 1:(keep fingering the D chord while you do this)

D                     C
I came into town as a man of renown
G6                       D
A writer of songs about freedom and joy
D                          C
A hall had been rented and I was presented
       G6                     D               C   G6
As the kind of a singer most folks could enjoy
D                                C
As I climbed up the stair to the stage standing there
       G6                    D       (fill 1) 
It was obvious something was missing
D                              C
I could tell by the vibes they wouldn't be bribed
     Em7            G6       A7sus4  A7   A7sus2  A7
They weren't in the mood to listen, they yelled out
D         C
Play me a rock 'n' roll song
Em7           F#m7        G6          A7 A7sus2 A7
Don't play me songs about freedom and joy
D         C
Play me a rock 'n' roll song
   G6            A7         D
Or don't play me no song at all

D                              C
I played them some songs about peace and contentment
    G6                       D
And things that I've come to believe in
When I was through to a chorus of boo
     Em7               G6              A7sus4 A7 A7sus2 A7
Some track star yelled thank God he's leaving
            D         C 
Now someone play me a rock 'n' roll song
     Em7       F#m7           G6          A7
I've had it to here with your flowers and beads
D         C
Play me a rock 'n' roll song
   Em7           A7         D
Or don't play me no song at all (fill 1)
(D)                    C
Well if I played you a rock 'n' roll song
    Em7         F#m7           G6         A7
How could it be fair 'cause my head isn't there
        D                   C
So I'll leave you with your rock 'n' roll songs
    Em7         A7          D
And make my way back to the country
D                       C
Still I hear play me a rock 'n' roll song
Em7           F#m7    G6            A7 A7sus2 A7
Don't give me music I don't want to hear
D         C
Play me a rock 'n' roll song
Em7                  F#m7        G6          A7 A7sus2 A7
I should have stayed home with a big case of beer
D         C
Play me a rock 'n' roll song 
   Em7           A7          F  E Eb D
Or don't play me no song at all
(Outro solo in original version)
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