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Strait George - Easy Come Easy Go Tabs

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Easy Come Easy Go Tabs
Version #1
Strait George

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       Easy Come, Easy Go
        by George Strait

   D                         G
1.        She says she's had enough of me.
2. We tried to work it out a hundred times.

   A                      D
1. I've had enough of her too.
2.  Ninety-nine it didn't work.

   D                           G
1.   I might as well go on and set her free.
2. I think it's best we put it all behind,

   Em7                    A7
1.   She's already turned me loose.
2. before we wind up getting hurt.

   D                          G
1. No fault, no blame, nobody done no wrong.
2. No hard fellings, darling, no regrets.

   A                          D
1. That's just the way it sometimes goes.
2.          No tears  and  no broken hearts.

   D                               G
1. Sometimes two people just don't get along,
2.        Call it quits,   calling off all bets.

   Em7              A
1. and it's time to hit the road.
2. It just wasn't in the cards.


       D           G         Em7    A
Goodbye.   Farewell.  So long.    Vaya con Dios.  
         D               G              Em7            A
Good luck.  Wish you well.  Take it slow.    Easy come, girl,
     D          G         A         D
easy  go.

         E A D G B e
 D       X X 0 2 3 2
 G       3 2 0 0 0 3
 A       X 0 2 2 2 0
 A7      X 0 2 0 2 0
 Em7     0 2 0 0 0 0

Charles Hines
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