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Smash Mouth - Trip Tabs

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Trip Tabs
Version #1
Smash Mouth

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BAND: Smash Mouth

Tune down half a step. (Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb)

ii = octave higher

Example: A G5 in this song is actually an F#5, but since you're tuned down
half a step, you're playing F#5 in the G5 position (aka half a step higher)

Eb |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Bb |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Gb |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Db |-0h1-1-1-0h1-1-1-|-0h1-1-1---1-1-1-|-0---0-0---0-0-0-|-2---2-2---2-2-2-|
Ab |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Eb |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|

For this he strums a Em chord (xx2200) and a Emii (xx7655) with a whammy bar. 
What the hell, is going on?
Just where do I belong?
C5             B5
I don't really care  

Eb |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Bb |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Gb |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Db |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Ab |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-5---5-5-7-5-----|
Eb |-5h7-7-7-5h7-7-7-|-5h7-7-7---7-7-7-|-5---5-5---5-5-5-|-------------7-5-|
Eb |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|

Verse 2:
Play each chord once and hold it until the
next chord change. Use a really hard tremolo so
it's almost like the sound is cutting in and out.

     B5                A5       G#5 E5
Bb |-----------------|-----------------|
Gb |-----------------|-----------------|
Db |-9---------------|-7--------6---2--|
Ab |-9---------------|-7--------6---2--|
Eb |-7---------------|-5--------4---0--|

                                        G5   A5   E5
I can't seem to walk with out having to trip over you
     G5        A5    E5
Just what am I gonna do
C5             B5 
I don't really care


        G5    A5      E5
What is said, what is done  
  G5      A5     E5
I take it on the run
  G5     A5  E5  
I won't apologize
  G5       A5      E5
I won't be telling lies 
How could you?
Why would you? 
C5                 D5
Take advantage of
And rape me of my love
Then leave?

Play the verse riff

Verse 3:
Same as verse 2
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↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only