WWW.AZCHORDS.COM | Smash Mouth - Allstar Tabs | Version #1
The Verse Isn't Hard It Consists Of Two Movements, Following
Alone With The Song To Get The Pattern:
Chorus-This Part Has A Wierd Chord I Don't Even Know:
G C9 ? C9
Towards The End Of The Song There Is Finger Picking:
Sorry, but that guy's tab isn't exactly right. Here's mine:
First of all, drop your guitar 1/2 step to Eb tuning, like this: (low
to high) Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-Bb-Eb.
The verses use the same pattern of chords over and over. They are:
low to high
G - x-x-x-4-3-3
D - x-x-x-7-7-5
Am - x-x-x-5-5-5
C - x-x-x-5-5-3
For example:
G D D Am C
Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me
C G D D Am C C
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
And so on. Listen to the song and you can figure out the rhythm. The
bass comes in just before the guitar chords do, so look at my bass tab that I'm
about to submit in a few minutes. The guitar plays these chords throughout the
Pre-Chorus, (when the drums come in) but then it all changes for the chorus.
Use these chords:
G5 - 3-5-5-x-x-x
C5 - x-3-5-5-x-x
C#mb5 - x-4-2-0-x-x ( C Sharp Minor Flat Fifth )
F5 - 1-3-3-x-x-x
G5 C5 C#mb5 C5
hey now you're an all star get your game on go play
G5 C5 C#mb5 C5
hey now you're a rock star get the show on get paid
G5 C5 C#mb5 C5 G5 F5
And all that glitters is gold, only shootin' stars break
the mold
And then the solo: ( I don't have my guitar with me right now, but I
think this is it. )
Then for the last verse, improvise. Skip strings and pick something
out of these chords:
G - 3-2-0-0-0-3
D - x-x-0-2-3-2
Am7 - x-0-2-0-1-0
C - x-3-2-0-1-0
Hopefully this helps.