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Pj Harvey - This Is Love Chords

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This Is Love Chords
Version #1
Pj Harvey

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Artist- PJ Harvey
Song- This Is Love

This song has a main riff that is played throughtout the verses.
It is Gm7 and then Fm7 for one stroke then straight back to Gm7
If you know the song youll know what I mean.

Verse 1

I cant believe life is so complex
When I just wanna sit here and watch you undress


          A#m7         Cm7 Fm7        Gm7
This is love, this is love that im feeling
     "                 "                "
This is love-love, love-love that im feeling

Verse 2

Does it have to be a life full of dread
I wanna chase you round the table , I wanna touch your hair


Verse 3

I can't believe that the axis turns on suffering
When you taste so good
I can't believe that the axis turns on suffering
While my head burns



Even in the summer even in the spring
You can never get too much of a wonderful thing
(i think this is the same chords as the chorus but im not sure)

Verse 4

You're the only story that i never told
You're my dirty little secret wanna keep you so
Come on out come on over help me forget
Keep the walls from falling on me tumbling in

Chorus ?

I think at some point in the song she plays just the
top two strings in the main riff.


Gm7  353333
Fm7  131111
A#m7 686666
Cm7  8108888

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