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Pet Shop Boys - Se A Vida E Chords

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Se A Vida E Chords
Version #1
Pet Shop Boys

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Pet Shop Boys - Se A Vida ? (That's The Way Life Is) (Ademario/Negra/Barbalho/Tennant/Lowe)



A       x02220
Bm7     x24232
Bm7/F#  2x0202
Cmaj7   x32000
C#m7    x46454
Dm7     xx0211
Dmaj7   xx0222
E       022100
E7      022130
Fmaj7   xx3210
F       133211
F#m7    242222
G       320002


|Drums|  |Drums|

|A Bm7|  |C#m7 Dmaj7|  |G F#m7|  |Bm7 E7|

|A Bm7|  |C#m7 Dmaj7|  |G F#m7|  |Bm7 E7|

Verse 1:

A                       Bm7
Come out-side and see_   a brand new day

    G                        Bm7/F#          E
The trou-bles in your mind_   will blow a-way_

     A                   Bm7
It's ea-sy to be-lieve_   they're here to stay

    G                   F#m7                 A  E
But you won't find them stand-ing in your way__


     A        Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_   I love you__

G                 F#m7              Bm7   E7
Come out-side and feel the morn-ing sun__

     A        Bm7  C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_    I love you__

G                 F#m7                Bm7     E7
Life is much more sim-ple when you're young__

A       Bm7           C#m7
Come on_  es-sa vi-da ?__

Dmaj7                C#m7
 That's the way life is__

Bm7                  A    E
 That's the way life is__

Verse 2:

A                            Bm7
Al-though we see the world_   through dif-ferent eyes

   G                     Bm7/F#        E
We share the same idea_   of pa-ra-dise_

   A                           Bm7
So don't search in the stars_   for signs of love

G                 F#m7                     A  E
Look a-round your life, you'll find e-nough__


     A        Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_   I love you__

G                 F#m7              Bm7   E7
Come out-side and feel the morn-ing sun__

     A        Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_   I love you__

G                 F#m7                Bm7     E7
Life is much more sim-ple when you're young__

A       Bm7           C#m7
Come on_  es-sa vi-da ?__

Dmaj7                C#m7
 That's the way life is__

Bm7                  A    E
 That's the way life is__


Fmaj7                          Cmaj7
Why-do-you-want-to sit a-lone_  in a goth-ic gloom

    Dm7                             G
Sur-round-ed by the ghosts of love_  that haunt your room?

F                                     Cmaj7
Some-where there's a dif-ferent door_  to o-pen wide_

           Dm7                                         G                 E7
You-got-ta throw those ske-le-tons out of your clo-set  and come out-side__


|Drums|  |Drums|

Verse 3:

A                     Bm7
 Where you will see_   a brand new day

    G                        Bm7/F#          E
The trou-bles in your mind_   will blow a-way_

     A                   Bm7
It's ea-sy to be-lieve_   they're here to stay

    G                   F#m7                 A  E
But you won't find them stand-ing in your way__


       A    Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi_da ?_ I love you__

G                 F#m7              Bm7   E7
Come out-side and feel the morn-ing sun__

     A        Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_   I love you__

G                 F#m7                Bm7     E7
Life is much more simp-le when you're young__

A       Bm7           C#m7
Come on_  es-sa vi-da ?__

Dmaj7                C#m7
 That's the way life is__

Bm7                  A    E
 That's the way life is__

A       Bm7           C#m7
Come on_  es-sa vi-da ?__

Dmaj7                C#m7
 That's the way life is__

Bm7                  A    E
 That's the way life is__


     A        Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_   I love you__

G                 F#m7              Bm7   E7
Come out-side and feel the morn-ing sun__

     A        Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_   I love you__

G                 F#m7                Bm7     E7
Life is much more simp-le when you're young__

     A        Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_   I love you__

G                 F#m7              Bm7   E7
Come out-side and feel the morn-ing sun__

     A        Bm7 C#m7      Dmaj7
Se a vi-da ?_   I love you__

G                 F#m7                Bm7     E7
Life is much more simp-le when you're young__

*Fade Out*
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