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John Prine - In A Town This Size Chords

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In A Town This Size Chords
Version #1
John Prine

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In a town this size (Key of D)
John Prine & Delores Keane (Irish singer of all people - she sounded Cajun in this!)
The intro is kind of cool pickin.  The chords and singing are a great wind down from a
of drinkin and smokin.  I'm trying to figure it out, likely if I do I'll never get to
it.  If ANYONE out there has it !PLEASE! post it and save me some trouble.  I think it's 
key of D cause his picking is in the D scale (minor) I believe.

Intro and solo revolves around open D chord with the D minor scale around it (unless I'm
in La la land here).

D                             	  G
In a town this size there's no place to hide
    D                 			A
Eveywhere you go you meet someone you know
          D               	     G
You can't steal a kiss in a place like this
        D                  	   A         D
How the rumors do fly in a town this size
D                      	      G
In a smokey bar in the back seat of your car
        D                          	      A
In your own little house someone is sure to find out
What you do and what you think
What you eat and what you drink
       D                           	  A
If you smoke cigarettes they'll be talking about your breath
D                               	       G
In a town this size there's no place to hide
    D                      		A
Eveywhere you go you meet someone you know
        	     D                    G
You can't steal a kiss in a place like this
    	    D                       A         D
How the rumors do fly in a town this size
D                        	G
Oh I had a fight with my girlfriend last night
D                                     		A
Before the moon went down down it was all over town
      D                           G
How I made her cry how she said goodbye
        D                   	A
If It's true or not doesn't seem to count a lot
D                              	  G
In a town this size there's no place to hide
    D                      		A
Eveywhere you go you meet someone you know
          D                 	    G
You can't steal a kiss in a place like this
        D                	    A         D
How the rumors do fly in a town this size
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