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Jeffrey Lewis - Texas Chords

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Texas Chords
Version #1
Jeffrey Lewis

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Em G Em D
Play fast and mad style.

A silver lining
Take my building
Take my pizza
There's cloud
I feel so threatened
It's a dustbowl
Is there hope?
A cloud of dust
A blue horizon
Go to Texas
Back to New York
Where's my pizza?
Where's my building?
Where's my brother?
How's the pizza?
f**king awful
Now it's raining
How's the people?
f**king boring
Bowl of mud
I get confused
Where am I?
Back in New York
It's a desert
Made of mud
Dusty blood
Soggy crud
Now it's raining
Where's my lining?
Good for it
Silver lining
Leave the dustbowl
Where's my building?
Leave the building
Where's my building?
Where's my brother?
How's the pizza?
How's the weather?
It's a desert
Home to New York
Go to Maine
I'm in Maine
Stay in Maine
Back to New York
Good to see you
Good to see you
For a minute
Wanna seed
Gotta sow
Wanna flower
Gotta grow
Where's the tower?
Don't you know?
Where's the other?
Had to go
[stop playing here]
Awful secret desert pizza brother people building Texas tower tower boring 
                                    Em [don’t let ring]
burning How's the how's the how's the
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↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only