WWW.AZCHORDS.COM | Irish Rovers - Bridget Flynn Chords | Version #1
Intro: 4/4 | Em - D | Em | G - D | Em |
Em Bm Em
1. I've a nice lit-tle house and a cow yard too with grass,
G D Em
I've a plant gar-den run-ning by the door.
Em Bm Em
I've a shel-ter for the hens and a sta-ble for the ass
G D Em
Now, what could a man want more?
2. I don't know, maybe so
Em Bm Em
But a bach-e-lor is ea-sy and he's free.
Em Bm Em
But I've lots to look af-ter, though I'm liv-ing all alone
G D Em
Sure no-bo-dy's look-ing af-ter me.
| Em - D | Em |
Em Bm Em
3. Me fa-ther often tells me I should go and have a try
G D Em
To find a girl that owns a bit of land.
Em Bm Em
And I know, the way he says it, that there's some-one on his mind
G D Em
And me mo-ther has the whole thing planned.
4. I don't know, maybe so,
Em Bm Em
But t'would mol-li-fy them great-ly to a-gree.
Em Bm Em
Now, there's lit-tle Brid-get Flynn, sure it's her I'd love to win,
G D Em
But she ne-ver has an eye for me.
| Em - D | Em |
Em Bm Em
5. Now there's a lit-tle girl who's worth her weight in gold,
G D Em
And that's a de-cent dow-ry, don't you see?
Em Bm Em
And I mean to go and ask her just as soon as I get bold,
G D Em
If she'll come and have an eye for me.
6. Will she go? I don't know,
Em Bm Em
But I'd love to have her sit-ting on me knee.
Em Bm Em
And I'll sing like a thrush in a haw-thorn bush
G D Em
If she'll come and have an eye for me.
Em Bm Em Hold
Outro: Mm - Mm - Mm Mm Mm