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Hillsong London - Lord Of All Tabs

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Lord Of All Tabs
Version #1
Hillsong London

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Chords & Tabs
Someone requested for the chords for Lord of All (Hillsong London) a few days back.
a few minutes of googling I realised that the chords for Lord of All cannot be found
on the net, surprisingly. Here are the full chords + tabs for the song, the only one 
on the net - whoa!

Do leave a comment/tag if you have any trouble. No video for this post because i) it
too difficult, ii) my computer just crashed :( (using a computer in school right now).

i) Guitar Introduction (with delay):

ii) Bass solo (tabs for bass):
---------1-3-----| x(3)



iii) Introduction II (ohhh…):
Fm Ab Db Bb (x2)

iv) Verse (shout praises to the Holy One…)
(See below for tabs)
Fm Ab Db Bb (x2)
Ab Ab Bb Bb

v) Chorus
Db Ab Eb Fm
Db Eb Ab Ab
Db Ab Eb Fm
Bb Bb Db Db

Bass tabs for last line:

vi) Introduction II (x1)
vii) Verse (first line once only)

viii) Chorus

ix) Bridge:
See below for tabs & video

x) Post-Bridge (shine your light, be that sea of light)
-8-8s10---10-6----8-8s10--------| (x2)
Ab Bb

xi) Chorus (x2)





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↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only