WWW.AZCHORDS.COM | Eric Bogle - Safe In The Harbour Chords | Version #1
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SAFE IN THE HARBOUR Time: 3/4 Tenor: C Bass: Bb
- Eric Bogle, 1984, Record: Where The Wind Blows
- Record: Margaret Cristl: Looking Towards Home
- Source: Eric Bogle songbook, page 42 (C) , Rise Up Singing, page 205 (C)
INTRO: G, C, G, C, F, C, G, C, C
C Em F C
Have you stood by the ocean, on a diamond-hard morning
G Dm C G
And felt the hor-izon stir deep in your soul
C Em F C
Watched the wake of a steamer as it cut through blue water
Em Dm G C (*)
And been gripped by a fever you just can't con-trol
C Em F C
Oh to throw off the shackles and fly with the seagulls
Em Dm C G (*)
To where green waves tumble before a driving sea wind
C Em F C
Or to lie on the decking on a warm summer's evening
Em Dm C G C
Watch the red sun fall burning, be-neath the earth's rim
C Em F G
But to every sailor, comes time to drop anchor
C Em F G
Haul in the sails, and make the lines fast
You deep water dreamer, your journey is over
C G F *
You're safe in the harbour at last
C G F *
You're safe in the harbour at last
- Commemorates Stan Roger's tragic death in 1983
C Em F C
Some men are sailors, but most are just dreamers
G Dm C G
Held fast by the anchors they forge in their minds
C Em F C
Who in ther hearts know they'll never sail over deep water
Em Dm G C (*)
To search for a treasure they're a-fraid they won't find
C Em F C
So in sheltered harbours, they cling to their anchors
Em Dm C G (*)
Bank down their boilers and shut down their steam
C Em F C
And wait for the sailors to re-turn with bright treasures
Em Dm C G C
That will fan the dull embers and fire up their dreams
C Em F G
But to every sailor, comes time to drop anchor
C Em F G
Haul in the sails, and make the lines fast
You deep water dreamer, your journey is over
C G F *
You're safe in the harbour at last
C G F *
You're safe in the harbour at last
C Em F C
And some men are schemers who laugh at the dreamers
G Dm C G
Take the gold from the sailors and turn it to dross
C Em F C
They're men in a prison, they're men without vision
Em Dm G C (*)
Whose only hor-izon is profit and loss
C Em F C
So when storm clouds come sailing a-cross your blue ocean
Em Dm C G (*)
Hold fast to your dreaming for all that your're worth
C Em F C
For as long as there's dreamers, there will always be sailors
Em Dm C G C
Bringing back their bright treasures from the corners of earth
- "*" in the chord line represents a new bar, play same chord
- "." in the lyric line represents a 1/8 note rest
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