WWW.AZCHORDS.COM | Chico Sci - The Dance Of Ones And Zeros Tabs | Version #1
/ or \ - slide up or down
p - pull off
h - hammer on
p.m. --- - palm mute
b - bend
Tuning: Tune guitar whole step down (DGCFAD) then drop d.
Gtr.1 Gtr.2 (0:11)
D ----------- ------- ----
A ----------- ------- -9--
F -----------repeat ------- -8--
C --3-3-2-2--many -3-2---(8x) then -6--(8x)
G -----------times -3-2--- ----
C ----------- -3-2--- ----
Gtr.1 Gtr.2
D ----------- -------
A ----------- -------
F -----------repeat -------
C --3-3-2-2--many -3-2---(8x)
G -----------times -3-2---
C ----------- -3-2---
D ------------------------
A ---------------------6--
F -----5~~----------5~~5--
C ---3-----0------3-------
G --0------0-----0--------
C -0-------0----0---------
repeat verse riff.
D -----------------------------------
A ---------------------6----9999999--
F -----5~~----------5~~5----8888888--
C ---3-----0------3---------6666666--
G --0------0-----0--------------------
C -0-------0----0--------------------
repeat verse riff.
D -----------------------------------
A ---------------------6----9999999--
F -----5~~----------5~~5----8888888--
C ---3-----0------3---------6666666--
G --0------0-----0--------------------
C -0-------0----0--------------------
Gtr.1 Gtr.2
D ----------- ----- --------- ----------
A ----------- ----- --------- -9999999--
F -----------repeat ----- --------- -8888888--
C --3-3-2-2--many -3-2- -3-2-3-2-(17x) -6666666--
G -----------times -3-2- -3-2-3-2- ----------
C ----------- -3-2- -3-2-3-2- ----------
D --------------------------
A ---------------------6----
F -----5~~----------5~~5----
C ---3-----0------3---------(2x)
G --0------0-----0-----------
C -0-------0----0-----------
Gtr.1 Gtr.2
D ----------------------------- ---------13--------------------13---------
A ----------------------------- -13-13-13--15-13-13-15-13-13-13--15-13-15-
F ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------
C -4-----5-----4-----7---------(8x)------------------------------------------(8x)
G -2-3-2-3-3-2-2-3-2-5-3-2-0-2- ------------------------------------------
C ---3-2---3-2---3-2---3-2-0-2- ------------------------------------------