WWW.AZCHORDS.COM | Beat Crusaders - Feel Tabs | Version #1
Way to Go Hiro Taniguchi, this ones for you
Beat Crusaders
As you know...LISTEN to the bloody song you crazy kids, makes everything easy-errrrr
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
x8 x8 x12
At 0:16
guitar 1
after this Guitar 2
plays the same thing as
the Intro
E A C-sharp E,
|---| |---| |---|
|---| |---| |---|
|---| |-2-| |-6-|
|-2-| |-2-| |-6-|
|-2-| |-0-| |-4-|
|-0-| |---| |---|
Guitar 1 plays Then guitar1 plays this
single notes once at 0:26
at 0:18
|-----------| |--------------|
|-----7-----| |----7---10-9--|
|---9---9---| |--9---9-------|
|-----------| |--------------|
|-----------| |--------------|
|-----------| |--------------|
Guitar 1 keeps playing
single notes Then at 0:34
but different ways ends it like this
like at 0:29 he plays.
|-----------| |-------------------------|
|-----7-9---| |-----9------10--------12-|
|---9-------| |-------------------------|
|-----------| |-10-----11-------11------|
|-----------| |-------------------------|
|-----------| |-------------------------|
0:38 "everytime, you let me"
guitar 2
guitar 1
not sure about this one^
its really hard to hear
guitar 2 and 1
0:48 " I feel so Strange"
this mite be hard to hear out
^ ^
I Feel so strange whole new world
Guitar 1
ends the chours
REPEAT All over
song gose back to the intro
and plays again
But frist guitar 1
plays this at 1:21
After you hear the Feedback
pick this part alot, last vv note
So just go over the song until you
reach 1:55 and then you play
guitar 2: C E At 2:05
|---||---| |------------|
|---||---| |------------|
|-5-||---| |----7-5-----|
|-5-||-2-| |-2--7-5-----|
|-3-||-2-| |-2--5-3-----|
|---||-0-| |-0----------|
"A Whole new World"
guitar 1 1:55
|-----------9---------------------| X2
Then just play the
"I feel so strange" part till the End
And the last 2 notes they play together
at the same time is
E E7
x x
x x
x 9
2 9
2 7
0 x
OK IM done, theres alot of back and forth in this song
its easy really, whatever just tell me if anything is stupid in this tizzzab (tab)
good luck walkin behind me