WWW.AZCHORDS.COM | Alanis Morissette - Doth I Protest Too Much Tabs | Version #1
"Doth I Protest too Much"
Here's my first tab, I think it's pretty accurate, even though I did it by ear
(except at the end of each verse, I added my own little flare). Any comments,
-Kevin Belanger
Standard Tuning
No Capo
Intro and all verses:
Verse 1
I'm not threatened by every pair of legs you watch go by
I don't cringe when you stare at women it's just a thing called guy
I don't notice your sideways glances or where your loyalty lies
I'm secure and I love me it's hard to get a rise
(at the end of the verse right before the chorus, skip the 3h2 part)
Chorus 1 (each chorus follows the same pattern, just different words):
Strum (/ is down and \ is up): //\ \/ /\ \/ (for first 5 lines)
I'm not jealous
I don't get moved by much
I'm not enraged
Not insecure as such
Not going insane
Am Em Strum: Am //\ Em // /\/
Rational stays in touch
G Em D Strum: G / / Em / /\ D /
But doth I protest too much
Verse 2
I'm not tortured by how often you're busy,
Cuz I've got things to do
I'm not disappointed by how you don't miss me
Cuz I don't need you too
Chorus 2:
I'm not needy
I don't get clingy much
I am not scared
I'm not afraid as such
I'm not dependent
Rock solid stays in touch
And doth I protest too much
Am C
So much energy to prove to you
Am C
Who I can possibly be
Am C
So much energy to prove to you I'm not
Am G D
Who you hate for me to be
Verse 3
I'm not sad and I don't miss you
Cuz I have moved on too
I'm not concerned about your new lover
Cuz I've got a lover too
I'm not depressed
I don't get down that much
I'm not despondent
I am not dark as such
I'm never sad
Keep chin up stays in touch
And doth I protest too much
I'm not jealous
I don't get moved by much
I'm not enraged
Not insecure as such
Not going insane
Rational stays in touch
But doth I protest too much
End: D, D, D